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Reimbursed medicines

You can quickly and easily find out whether a medicine is subsidised and included in the pharmaceutical benefits scheme by searching our database, our decision documentation or by searching Fass.se.

Our database

Our database contains prices and information about the medicines included in the pharmaceutical benefits scheme. The information in the database is based on the decisions we have issued. Medicines we have not assessed are not included in the database.


Our decision documentation contains information on which medicines have been granted reimbursement, and which are subject to special conditions or restrictions. You will also find information on the analysis carried out and the rationale for the decision. The documentation is in Swedish.

Subsidy information at Fass.se

The Fass web site contains information about all medicines approved for use in Sweden. Fass.se indicates whether a medicine is included in the benefits scheme or is subject to restriction.

Page information

Last updated
1 August 2022