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Horizon scanning of new medical technology

TLV carries out horizon scanning to get information about medical devices that are entering the market. Horizon scanning is done together with the Swedish regions and in close collaboration with different networks within the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR).

Objectives of horizon scanning at TLV

The aim of TLV’s horizon scanning is to, in good timing, identify products (including medical devices and diagnostics) that has potential to improve Swedish health care in the future. TLV’s horizon scanning aims to inform the regions about new and emerging medical technology that may become relevant for health economic evaluations. TLV is interested in finding medical devices that are new on the market or are close to being launched on the market. Information about medical devices is gathered from various sources and the horizon scanning is conducted in several ways.

International horizon scanning

TLV regularly monitors other countries' approval processes, such as devices approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). TLV also keeps track of new and emerging medical technology being evaluated by authorities similar to TLV in other countries, such as the British National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) or the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH).

Inform TLV about a new medical device

Companies and other stakeholders can inform TLV about new medical devices by filling out the form ”Form to inform TLV about a new medical device" that is available under “Related information”. Completed forms should be e-mailed to registrator@tlv.se. The form collects brief information about the intended use of the device, clinical and health economic documentation (brief description is sufficient at this stage). Submission of a completed form does not automatically imply that the medical device will be further evaluated by TLV. The form should rather be regarded as an opportunity to provide information about a product to TLV.

Horizon scanning projects

TLV carries out horizon scanning projects of selected areas of intended use. The theme of a horizon scanning project is typically selected by the knowledge management networks within the SKR, including national specialists in each field of the health care system. In horizon scanning projects, TLV invites relevant actors, such as industry organisations, professional associations, patient organisations, innovation offices at universities and other relevant government agencies to inform TLV about new and emerging medical technology that may be of interest for further evaluation. A horizon scanning project is conducted during a specified period of time (typically 1-2 months).

Information about horizon scanning projects can be found under “Ongoing horizon scanning projects” and “Completed horizon scanning projects”.

All information reported to TLV through the different horizon scanning channels is compiled and reported to “Beredningsgruppen” who forwards interesting findings to the MTP-council. The MTP-council selects which products that should be further evaluated and considered for national recommendations.

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Last updated
2 November 2023